Amidst the whole hustle-bustle of work that goes around in creating a beautiful wedding, you come across beautiful souls from entirely different parts of the country, (quite literally and culturally) coming together and bonding so beautifully that you start feeling being part of their life.

We eagerly waited for Saturday evenings to sit together on facetime and discussed for hours designing this beautiful process.
I love doing what I do because it gives me scintillating experiences of being part of something new!
Sagar and Shruti gave me an opportunity to be part of their “North weds South wedding”, Shruti being the most awe-strikingly beautiful ‘tamilian’ bride and Sagar our ‘Punjabi’ munda!
I have been a Bharatnatyam dancer myself and hearing the same music during the wedding rituals after years, kinda made me nostalgic.

The nuances of a wedding lies in the beauty of the intimate rituals our culture has.

Just how the wedding is about beautiful rituals, we loved seeing Shruti & Sagar perform the rituals of a “Tamilian Wedding” or ‘Kalyanam’

1)Mangala Snanam
2)Kashi yatra
3)Maalayi maatral (Jai mala)


7)Sapthapadi (7 Promises)
8)Metti (Bride is made to wear toe rings)

And that is when the bride’s father asks him to stay and marry his daughter and not leave.
I got to be a part of this beautiful wedding and cannot thank both Shruti and Sagar enough who made me a part of their beautiful journey!